Coscienza Paleolitica - Poliamorismo

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view post Posted on 21/2/2012, 10:39

questo studio ci suggerisce che l'automedicazione potrebbe essere nata a causa dell’apparato digestivo, molto simile a quello degli scimpanzé, che non è adatto al consumo di erba. Inoltre, ha a che fare con le capacità sociali della nostra specie”, hanno detto i ricercatori.Gli scimpanzé – come gli umani – sono molto sociali ed entrambe le specie imparano gli uni dagli altri cosa è giusto mangiare

inizio con questo, che mi è capitato sotto mano oggi; sottolinea le doti curative di alcuni vegetali, a prescindere dall'apporto nutritivo.
view post Posted on 22/2/2012, 15:04

The body's regenerative (homeostatic) abilities are still commonly unrecognized today (often classed as "unexplained recoveries" or--in people fortunate enough to recover from cancer--as "spontaneous remission") because the population at large is so far from eating anything even approaching a natural diet that would allow their bodies to return to some kind of normal health, that it is just not seen very often outside limited pockets of people seriously interested in approximating our natural diet.

Fasting as a tool to promote such self-healing. And the other thing is that Hygienists are also keenly aware of the power of fasting to help provide ideal conditions under which such self-healing can occur. evo

But the newer branch of science called "darwinian medicine" is slowly beginning (albeit with certain missteps) to grasp the principle of self-healing, or probably more correctly, at least the understanding that degenerative diseases arise as a result of behavior departing from what our evolutionary past has adapted us to. They see the negative side of how departing from our natural diet and environment can result in degenerative disease, but they do not understand that the reverse--regenerating health by returning to our pristine diet and lifestyle, without drugs or other "crutches"--is also possible, again, within certain limits, but those limits are less than most people believe.
In some ways, though, Hygiene now resembles a religion as much as it does science, because people seem to want "eternal" truths they can grab onto with absolute certainty. Unfortunately, however, knowledge does not work that way. Truth may not change, but our knowledge of it certainly does as our awareness of it shifts or expands. Once again: The principles of Hygiene may not change, but the details will always be subject to refinement.

view post Posted on 6/3/2012, 11:35

vedi anche "istinto alimentare" qua:
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