Coscienza Paleolitica - Poliamorismo

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view post Posted on 31/1/2012, 11:19

per esempio:
Condom Commitment n : an agreement to confine exchange of bodily fluids and barrier-free intercourse to a closed group which has previously been screened for sexually transmitted diseases. syn. safe sex circle

Condom Compact n : is collection of rules and responsibilities to help members involved in open multiple partner relationships protect themselves against STD, the Condom Compact was written by Oberon and Morning Glory Zell

Jealousy n or adj 1 : the opposite of compersion 2 : negative, angry feelings that a group or an individual can prevoke in another group or individual 3 : demanding complete devotion 4 : suspicious of a rival or of one believed to enjoy an advantage 5 : VIGILANT; jealously; jealous adj
NRE JUNKIE: Colloquial; usually derogatory A term sometimes applied, often dismissively, to a person who starts many new relationships in rapid succession but does not seem to maintain relationships for very long. Such a person may appear to seek out the euphoria and intense emotion associated with new relationship energy over the maintenance of a long-term relationship. Commentary: Some psychologists and psychiatrists believe that the intensity and euphoria associated with new relationship energy can be psychologically addictive; in the psychiatric community, the term "love addiction" is sometimes used to describe this behavior.

view post Posted on 31/1/2012, 11:35

questo non è un dizionario, ma è una pagina molto attinente (e carina):
For example, "metamor" describes the relationship one has with one's partner's other partner. Then there is the concept of "new relationship energy" (NRE) - the "honeymoon period". This is especially important for polyamorists who have to overcome natural feelings of jealousy.

"Your partner might be wild about a new relationship, and it's not particularly easy to handle, but because it's got a name, NRE, it's easier to deal with," said Dr Barker.

Another term is "frubbly", which describes the positive feeling of seeing your partner with another lover. "It's the opposite of jealousy," Dr Barker said

i love this kind of frubbly; ricordo bene le "farfalle nello stomaco" che avvertivo quando il mio ex mi parlava di alcune sue esperienze amorose passate e altre potenzialmente tali. :)
view post Posted on 9/3/2012, 17:14

CITAZIONE (Skamall @ 31/1/2012, 11:19) 

Questa pagina la stavo traducendo ma ahimè non ho più tempo :( così ho "sbolognato" il compito ad un amico :lol: hihi appena finisce lo metteremo online qui -_-

Differenze tra: poliamore, poliamoroso, poliamorismo e poliamorista.

- Polyamory (noun) : the practice of engaging in multiple sexual relationships with the consent of all the people involved.

- Polyamorous (adjective) : following one of various practices of having relationships with multiple partners , with the knowledge and consent of all involved. Having personal beliefs regarding relationships that are compatible with polyamory , regardless of ones experience or current practices.

- Polyamorism (noun) : the suffix -ism denotes a distinctive system of beliefs, myth, doctrine or theory that guides a social movement, institution, class or group.

- Polyamorist (noun) : an advocate or practitioner of polyamory.

2 replies since 31/1/2012, 11:19   79 views